Ryu, Ho-Yeon (29) Nurse - Ward 9
  • Kyung Hee Na
  • Updated 2020.05.12 15:06
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Ryu, Ho-Yeon (29) Nurse - Ward 9ⓒSISAIN Lee myeong-Ik

“I’m a surgical nurse at Seongseo Dongsan Hospital. My family and friends were extremely concerned when I told them I was coming here. But it turns out, the situation here is a lot better than what I thought (Smiles) I’m not saying that the work is not hard, but it’s certainly rewarding. I want my parents to know that I’m doing fine here and they don’t need to worry too much. They're very anxious. Their house is in Daegu so I can go if I want to, but I’m not doing it just to be cautious.”

translated by Wonjeong Song
translation supervised by Beckhee Cho

기자명 Kyung Hee Na 다른기사 보기 didi@sisain.co.kr