Joo, Mi-Gyong (42) Nurse - Ward 52

  • Kyung Hee Na
  • 2020.05.12

“I’m a nurse in Ward 52. The patients in Ward 52 are mostly seniors from nursing homes. They need special care from a closer distance. So we tend to fix our masks and goggles a little tighter than usual, just in case. I guess that's why we get deeper marks. I came from a children's hospital in Suncheon, Jeonnam. I applied for a non-paid leave to come here. My plan is to help for a month, then quarantine myself for two weeks, and then go back to my original work. One thing I feel so grateful for is all the support and love from around the country. It may sound pretentious but it really isn't (laughs). I took photos of every card and handwritten letters we got. I think it’s really kind.”

translated by Wonjeong Song
translation supervised by Beckhee Cho