Bang, Joo-Ae (25) Nurse - Ward 9
  • Kyung Hee Na
  • Updated 2020.05.12 15:06
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Bang, Joo-Ae (25) Nurse - Ward 9ⓒSISAIN Lee myeong-Ik

“My parents were against me coming here. Before this, I was taking a leave from a general hospital in Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do. My mom said she doesn’t understand me wanting to volunteer at such a dangerous place. But then she saw a picture of me working in some article. She left a comment saying that this is her daughter in the picture, and people commented under that, saying ‘You raised a great daughter’. She said that it made her cry. She’s still worried sick, but she’s no longer against it. It’s been almost a month since I got here. After the work here is done, I’m going to  have a two-week quarantine and finally go home.”

translated by Wonjeong Song
translation supervised by Beckhee Cho
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