Jeon, Dae-Hwan (28) Operation team - donated items Manager
  • Kyung Hee Na
  • Updated 2020.05.12 15:07
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Jeon, Dae-Hwan (28) Operation team - donated items Manager ⓒSISAIN Lee myeong-Ik

“We received a lot of donations right after the hospital was designated as an exclusive hospital for COVID-19. Although we don’t get as much now, the cargo truck still shows up four to five times a day. I noticed that there is a sort of 'trend’ for donation items. In the beginning, it was mostly snacks, but after the picture of health care workers soaked in sweat got out, sports drinks started to come in. These days, it’s mostly daily necessities, as the situation has been prolonged. I’ve been working for Daegu Dongsan Hospital for a year and a month. I started as an employee welfare manager, but now I’m a donated items manager. It’s a title that didn’t exist before. I have only seen from the news that people do send support packages in times of national crisis like the Sewol ferry incident, but it’s my first time witnessing this. I can feel the love from all over the country. I want to do the same thing in hard times.”

translated by Wonjeong Song
translation supervised by Beckhee Cho
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